She has the cutest face. She was born on 10/27/2010 and is from the Zhangshu SWI in Jiangxi Province. She is only 7 months old!! We are all in love, including the boys who want to bring her picture to school. We hope to travel ASAP so we have so much to do!
darling!! congratulations!!
Congrats on your Zhangshu beauty. My Zhangshu daughter has been home over 4 years and is 5 1/2 and a delight! Be sure to join the yahoo group! Congrats again. She's beautiful!
Congratulations!! What a sweet little face! May you travel soon to meet your little love!
Congratulations on your precious Zhangshu sweetie! Our precious girl is from Zhangshu too (be sure to search for the Zhangshu yahoo group)and has been home for 18 months now. The children from Zhangshu are well-cared for, so you can feel good about that. And as Amy said, our sweetie is a delight! Hoping you travel soon!
Congrats! She's beautiful. From another Jiangxi mom.
Congrats! She's beautiful.
Congratulations on your Zhangshu Princess! I believe you will find that your daughter has been well cared for and is healthy and robust. Not all SWI's treat the kids the same, and ours seems to take good care of their charges. Please seek out our Zhangshu Yahoo Group. It's not super active, but you can find good information there.
You will so enjoy the girlie things!
I can see now that a couple of other Zhangshu mommas have already commented and told you about our Yahoo Group! See, we are a helpful bunch! Our daughter has been home nearly 5 years now (September 2006).
OK - She was WORTH THE WAIT!!!! Absolutely precious!
Diana (who also has a Jiangxi Girl!!)
Such a cutie! Seriously gave me goose bumps! Congratulations! We have a daughter from Jiangxi as well and she is the light of our lives.
From one Jiangxi mommy to another...congratulations! Your daughter is beautiful. Hope you will be traveling soon.
Congratulations on your Jiangxi referral! When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (with a great photo months younger than her referral photos!) come visit us.
All the best!
I am coming over from RQ. What a sweetie pie!!!!!
Congrats! She is a precious little doll. I hope your time to travel passes quickly.
Best of luck with your baby girl. I know you have suffered a lot of heartache to get to this finish line!
I received my baby girl last spring 2010 and now she is 2 years old and thriving! It's the best time of your lives. Enjoy every minute of the adoption process and finally bringing her home!
Kindest Regards
Ontario, Canada
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl :)
Welcome to the Zhangshu family! Our little princess was wearing the same outfit as yours in her referral picture! She joined our family Oct '09. I will repeat what the others have said "Zhangshu children are very well cared-for." Carolee
She looks like a tiny peanut!
oh, i see you have been invited many times to the Zhangshu group! :) your little girl is so cute. she reminds me of our little one. don't be surprised though if her head gets shaved in July - just prior to receiving her. Our little girl did and I hardly recognized her. But, it grows! :) Blessings, Carmen (again)
She's adorable! Congratulations!
Trace7, RQ
Your daughter is gorgeous! Such a little beauty. Our daughters are one day apart and you asked where mine is located. She is in Fuzhou SWI, Jiangxi Province. Even though they are in different SWIs we should still run into one another in China. Can't wait to see your family.
Leslie (Singlemamma)
Congratulation on your new daughter. My daughter is also from Zhangshu. As someone earlier said you will find they children there well taken care of. Comparing my daughter to the other children her age at the swearing in she was obese. I brought her home in March 2008 at 13 1/2 months. Please join the yahoo group; you will find everyone there very helpful.
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