We arrived home on Thursday night around midnight-thrilled to be home & totally exhausted. My Mom met us at the airport, thrilled to meet her newest grandchild. NECN was also there to do a follow-up on a segment we had done in May regarding the long wait and process of Chinese Adoption. Leila had just vomited her bottle all over me and Mike & I had such big bags under our eyes they almost were counted as part of our luggage:) Today is our third day home and we are still trying to adjust to the time change. The boys love their new baby sister and have been a big help playing with her-but not yet volunteering for diaper change duty.
Uncle Artie, Grandma & Leila, Daddy, Mia, Camden, Ryan & Luis
Leila & big brother Ryan in the jumpy-she loves it
Leila & big brother Logan
Leila & Daddy
Leila & big bother Camdenp
In her walker with her woobieo
Playing with her toys & our puppy Mia who follows her everywhere. Mia's been great with her & we've been sure to give her some extra TLC because she's a little jealous:)